Eight Mile River Band
Groton Congretational Church Groton, CTDec 14 Eight Mile River Band @ ‘Christmas Show’, Groton Congregational Church, 162 Monument Street, Groton, Ct 6:00 – 8:30 PM 860 859-1548
Dec 14 Eight Mile River Band @ ‘Christmas Show’, Groton Congregational Church, 162 Monument Street, Groton, Ct 6:00 – 8:30 PM 860 859-1548
This is the 11th year we have had the privilege to host The Bluegrass Gospel Project. The will perform on October 14, 2016 at 7:30 Groton Congregational Church, 162 Monument Street, Groton, CT - 860-445-7409 A free-will offering will be taken.